Customizable Homebrew Club Code of Conduct

The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) has developed a homebrew club Code of Conduct template, with a review by the AHA Governing Committee.

After customizing the template, suggestions of where to publish include:

  • Post your code of conduct on your website
  • Link to it on all club social media accounts and groups
  • Link to it in all event materials and promotions
  • Have members review and agree to the code of conduct when renewing their membership
  • Make QR codes available at meetings for attendees to scan, review, and/or submit code of conduct violations

Clubs can offer members third-party resources, including apps like #NotMe, as a means for independent reporting. Learn more about #NotMe.

The AHA is dedicated to protecting, uniting, and educating homebrewers while empowering an equitable homebrewing culture and showcasing the fun of fermenting. To learn more, including information on club-dedicated resources such as the AHA homebrew club insurance program and club directory, visit

The post Customizable Homebrew Club Code of Conduct appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

American Homebrewers Association

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