AHA Governing Committee Meeting Summary: October 2023

The following is a summary of the October 2023 meeting of your American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee (GC).

GC Members Present: Sandy Cockerham, Chris Hummert, Annie Johnson, Jill Marilley, Amy Martin, Gail Milburn, Melissa McCain, Doug Piper, Goose Steingass, Roxanne Westendorf.

AHA Staff: Julia Herz


  • Previous meeting notes review.
  • GC Secretary – Update
    • Thanks to Goose Steingass as outgoing GC Secretary.
    • Chris Hummert has accepted the role of secretary.
  • AHA Future Ad Hoc Group
    • Discussing the strategic vision, mission and AHA future planning.
    • Work will be presented at the Brewers Association December board meeting.
  • GC Subgroup sounding board – updates from chairs.
    • Events and Education
      • Last 2 Zymurgy Lives scheduled.
      • Working on plans for next year.
    • DEI
      • Homebrew club code of conduct is being finalized.
      • Can #NotMe be offered at homebrew club events and encouraging clubs to adopt it.
      • GC members encouraged to share throughout their community.
  • Homebrewer Safety
    • Topics on brewing NA Beers.
    • Translating safety tips from BA to AHA about safety issues that can be done at home.
    • Making it not only a fun hobby, but safe.
  • AHA Membership.
  • Learn To Homebrew Day – November 4.
  • 2024 and HBC/NHC.
    • Exciting new opportunities.       
    • NHC still happening-start brewing!
    • Might have a later schedule.

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American Homebrewers Association

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